October 12 | 16:00 and 17:30
Liepkalnis Water Storage (Liepkalnio st. 20)
Šeiko Dance Company

Drawing inspiration from the Curonian Spit, the performative dance and music installation “Islands” explores themes of sustainability, environmental protection, and the future of humanity.
Presented in 2021 at the Nida Lighthouse as a tribute to the history of Neringa, its present, and the concerning future, this work continues to travel, creating a symbolic image of the lighthouse wherever it goes. This time, in the contrasting space of the Liepkalnis Water Storage, “Islands” invites the audience to immerse themselves in a spontaneous state crafted from minimalist music, movement, light, and colorful costumes.
Entering the space involves a feeling of gradual blow of sand – as if you were inside an hourglass. The spectator is greeted by a storm that can be observed through a small crack, meditative music composed of sand and the cello. The music of the famous composer Žibuoklė Martinaitytė is composed of analogous sounds of sand and cello and fills the whole surrounding with multichannel sound.
In “Islands,” the audience is met by figures reminiscent of people, yet their identities seem erased, as their bodies are gradually consumed by sand, hinting that disappearance is inevitable. This installation draws you into a dreamlike and poetic existence, echoing the legends and history of Neringa. However, now the island is not shaped by the giant Neringa, but rather by careless tourists, with not sand, but trash covering it.
Premiere: 2021
Co-production: VšĮ “Violončelių muzika” and VšĮ Šeiko Dance Company.
Žibuoklė Martinaitytė
Agnija Šeiko
Sigita Šimkūnaitė
Set Designer
Sandra Straukaitė
Costume Designer
Julius Kuršis
Lighting Designer
Marius Sakavičius
Oksana Griaznova, Marija Untulytė
Eivinas Dziena, Evelina Kholod

Šeiko Dance Company
Artistic Director – Agnija Šeiko
Šeiko Dance Company is an independent team of artists, established in Klaipėda in 2012. The contemporary dance we create takes many unique forms. Company’s strengths lie in openness to various art forms and a desire to share the benefits of dance with the local community. Their performances are notable for their interdisciplinarity, minimalist aesthetics, connection to music, unexpected spaces and community involvement. A permanent troupe of 8 dancers is led by artistic director Agnija Šeiko and producer Goda Giedraitytė. The focal point of their work includes dance and music performances, productions for children and site-specific performances. The company annually receives national nominations and awards and participates in festivals and on theatre stages in Europe, Israel, China, the USA and other countries.
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Lapkričio 16 d. 19 val.
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